“I am so glad that I chose AMSBB Group Philippines as my agent. They never wavered in their support, from day 1 and even when I am here in Australia already. They gave me the best advice not only on the short term plans but for those that will have a good outcome in the future.”

– Rochene Vergara, Bicol Philippines

Currently studying Certificate III+ Certificate IV + Diploma of Hospitality at Wide Bay Institute of TAFE

“Good day, Mate. How you goin?” Typical expression of people from the ‘land down under’ – Australia! Like you right now, it was once all foreign to my ears and could barely comprehend what they were saying due to the accent. And I tell you what, it was now a thing of the past and it all started with a decision – a decision to move away from my comfort zone and change my life. Do not get me wrong, coming from a middle class family I can say I had a fairly decent life, was able to finish my degree and enjoyed my share of a typical teenage life. Everything seemed alright then but I felt I needed more and longed to change the seemingly predestined life ahead of me – work in a call centre to earn, enjoy the nightlife, then get married, have children, then live by day to day existence because monthly bills and credit cards will pile up for sure. It was then I decided I have to break the cycle and an agent from AMSBB Group advised that Australia is open and accepting students who later on can migrate permanently hence, I said “Australia here I come!”.

To be honest, it was not an easy decision to leave the life I got used to behind but for me it was like ‘point of no return’ – I need to make things work and there is no room to quit the game as I have given up part of my life and had invested fair bit of money too. First couple of days after I arrive in Sydney, I walk around the CBD and realized how brilliant and vibrant this place is. The culture is young, the people are polite and lovely, and there is diversity which assisted me during my adjustment period. In order to support myself and my studies, I have to take on jobs after school or in between classes like removalists lifting furniture and kitchenhand washing dishes etc – these jobs are not what I would be doing if I were in Manila. After 3 months of such life, I went to Tim from AMSBB Group and told him I am ready to pack up and go back home. Tim counseled me and made me realize the opportunities I have in my hand – yes I have to study and chase up assessments and deadlines and yes I have to work hard to sustain myself and support my family but YES, Tim is right – it will pay off at the end. After a long and winding road- I have now gained my Permanent Residency and hopefully by next year be able to acquire my Australian Citizenship.

Looking back, I see no hardships after all only opportunities and friendships I gained, I thank the whole AMSBB Group Team who assisted me all the way especially Tim, who have helped me in many ways to realize the life I am enjoying now here in Sydney.

To you all, wishing to take the same path I have taken, “Good day, Mate! Give it a go and its gonna be bloody amazing. Welcome to Aussie, oi oi oi” (another expression J).

Gerald Cano
an Aussie-inspired product of AMSBB Group

Првата средба со Саша, менаџерот на AMSBB Group беше многу пријателскa, но од друга страна пак целосно професионалнa. Оваа прва средба ни влеа надеж дека одењето во Австралија е сосема возможна и достиглива цел.

Саша ни ја објасни целата постапка и не советуваше како да го почнеме процесот. Целата постапка траеше 2-3 месеци. Јас аплицирав за Master, и визата ми беше одобрена за една недела. Фактот што јас и мојот партнер сме сега во Sydney е доказ за професионалноста на AMSBB Group.

Доколку имате желба и средства за студирање во Австралија, AMSBB Group е вашиот најсигурен пат до целта.

Благодариме AMSBB Group!

Angelina Jha Trajkova

Skopje, Macedonia

Study Master of Social Work

at Australian Catholic University

Sydney, Australia

Svima koji imaju bilo kakve nedoumice u vezi studiranja u Australiji, celog postupka dobijanja vize i sl. preporučujem da se obrate agenciji AMSBB Group i olakšaju sebi život. U potrazi za informacijama o istom, slucajno sam naišao na njihov oficijalni sajt i odlučio da ih kontaktiram. Dobio sam sve detaljne informacije o svemu što me je zanimalo i odmah sam shvatio da se radi o profesionalcima i posebno, što je danas rijetkost, vrlo humanim ljudima, koji žele da pomognu drugima da ostvare svoje ciljeve. Mislio sam da je u Australiju nemoguće otići, zbog svih dezinformacija koje sam dobijao od drugih, ali verujte, uz AMSBB Group ništa nije nemoguće. Za samo tri meseca sam dobio vizu i trenutno se spremam za polazak. Zato ni vi ne oklevajte da im se obratite, ništa ne gubite a možete mnogo da dobijete.

Hvala mnogo, ‘AMSBB Group’ , a posebno Saši i Eleni!

Daniel Toromanović

Bijeljina, Bosna i Hercegovina

Studira engleski jezik na

Sputhern Cross Education Institute

u Melburnu, Australija

I am a student from Mongolia who came to Australia with the support of AMSBB Group Global agency. AMSBB Group Global helped me with the whole process to study in Australia which included university enrolment, visa procedures, airport pickup and accommodation. In the time that I’ve been at the university, I have already made many friends and caught up with the study pace of my classmates. I enjoy the atmosphere and lifestyle of Australia, it provides me with a peaceful environment to focus on my study and achieve excellence in my education. In my class, there is a multicultural diversity of local students and foreigners. I would like to thank AMSBB Group Global for providing me with the opportunity to study in Australia and acknowledge them for the friendly staff, great understanding of my requirements and great attention to detail throughout the process.
Es maravilloso haber contado con el apoyo de la oficina en Bogotá de AMSBB Group para llegar a conocer otro país. Considero que es excelente el servicio, la calidad y la eficiencia de sus colaboradores, todo lo anterior hizo posible parte del objetivo que he querido para mi vida profesional.

– International Student Maria Jimena Grajales, Bogota- Colombia. August 2013